Sally Clarke Newsletter ~ February 2024 ~
February 6, 2024
The February newsletter is out and ready for you. If you are not already a SUBSCRIBER to the Sally Clarke mailing list, please do click on the big SUBSCRIBER word, here, or in the line above, and join up. We promise we do nothing with your details other than to hold them dear and to send you the latest Sally Clarke news. In this, Clarke’s restaurant’s 40th year, it is so important to keep up with all all that is going on. There will definitely be ‘something’ and no doubt more than one thing that you won’t want to miss.
You can, of course, access the latest newsletter, here, but please do add your details to our mailing list to get it delivered straight to you.
Sally Clarke newsletter ~ February 2024
‘February is a long month … and on that one extra day, if the mood takes and the time is right, the women who have patiently kept with tradition and waited their ‘turn’ can finally pop the question! Of course, if you somehow miss this small window, go ahead and ask the next day or get in early on the 14th! Times have changed …
For those of you who adore the 14th and all that surrounds it, we will be ready and waiting for you at the door. We are open for lunch and dinner that day and will be serving a wonderful range of dishes to suit every taste and appetite.
Most of the mid-evening tables are now booked, so hopefully you are either early birds or late birds … ? Call us anyway, on 020 7221 9225, or request a table online.
Paul and Taddeo will do their best to help … read on, here‘