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Late Winter Newsletter January and February 2019

January 18, 2019


As we brace ourselves for the beast of the east, west or north to arrive, we are beavering away in all parts of Kensington.
In W10 at our Wholesale Bakery we produce our breads, pastries, brownies, truffles, granola and very much more, and in the
Production Kitchen next door, we create daily doses of delicious-ness by way of perfect dishes for you to serve at home; braised duck, chicken or beef, grain salads with vegetables, fruits and nuts, roasted chicken pies, sandwiches, souffles, soups …and they have started the Seville Orange Marmalade production PLUS the 2019 Vin d’Orange..! 

Here in W8 we have hit the 2019-ground running – on both sides of the street. The Restaurant, open for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner every day (Lunch only on Sunday) has seen many familiar customer faces returning already this year – so not everyone it seems, has taken an extended break  The shop, having done a momentous Christmas and New Year is back into the swing, and all the staff have returned from their brief holiday with a spring in their step. 

Sunday news from the Shop and Restaurant:  The Shop is now open from 9am (not 10am) on a Sunday ~ and then of course do not forget those Winter-Warming Sunday Lunches at the Restaurant – book soon for all the family!     Our menus are constantly being topped up with ‘surprises’ coming from Italy, France or Spain.  In particular, you should try the blood oranges, agretti, purple artichokes or the black truffles from Umbria.  Of course Yorkshire is already producing giant quantities of spring rhubarb – so we are buying it every day!  From the Cornish and Scottish fishermen, we are sourcing delicious turbot, brill, scallops, squid and cod, and from our favourite organic farm at Rhug Estate in Wales, we receive weekly deliveries of venison and lamb.  


We are often asked if we serve gluten-free, dairy-free, vegan, vegetarian or “low-low” dishes and the answer is – (as it has been for over 34 years) ~YES!     Our menus are written twice-daily, so we are constantly refreshing them to reflect the ingredients we have bought on the day.  All our dishes are cooked to order, so any requested ‘alteration’ may be done with ease! So please just ask…… 

We have already taken Private Dining Room bookings for this year, for a variety of occasions and have received such lovely comments from the hosts, for the food, atmosphere and the service.  So, if you have a celebration in mind, a cocktail party or a corporate dinner to plan, do get in touch – we would love to hear from you.  The Private Room seats 12 to 30 comfortably, and each event is planned by us on a bespoke basis. 

Finally….I am asked almost 99 times a day for a progress report on our “Corner Shop”.  I too am sad that progress has been a little slow, but I am thrilled that we have now been granted a Licence. Our architect, designer and builder are all working together, singing from the same song sheet, and longing for its completion as much as we are!
So my answer to the question is ….“some time this year!!!” 

With best wishes for a delicious start to 2019,


Shop Opening Times 

Monday – Saturday Friday 8am – 8pm (- 5pm on Saturday) 

Sunday 9am – 4pm 


Restaurant Opening Times 

Monday – Saturday 

Breakfast 8 – 10am (-11am on Saturday) 

Lunch from 12.30 – last orders 2pm 

Dinner from 6.30 – last orders 10pm 

Sunday Lunch – from 12 noon – last orders 2.30pm 


Follow Sally on Instagram……………. @sallyclarkeltd

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