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Here we go again.

November 1, 2020

Today was bitter sweet.

Although a pleasure to be open on our first (but sadly last) Sunday until December, following yesterday’s Government announcement the Restaurant will, yet again, be closing temporarily from Thursday 5th November. Thank you to everyone for your amazing support, your beautiful messages – and the smiles in your eyes (we can tell you are smiling behind that mask!). The first lockdown was painful enough, but now a 2nd  …we hope and pray that we will see you all very soon, after December 2nd.

Although for the moment the Restaurant will be unable to take reservations, our talented and dedicated team of Chefs will still be working in the kitchen, in order that we may provide you with a variety of delicious Clarke’s menus to enjoy in the comfort of your own home. We will deliver to your door between 12:30 and 2pm, Tuesdays to Saturdays… and meanwhile keep an eye on further announcements as our menus evolve over the next week or 2.

For those of you celebrating Thanksgiving,  please do look out for our fabulous roasted bronze-legged turkeys which will be winging their way to your doors, alongside cranberry sauce, baked pumpkin, pecan tarts and more! 

Added to this new and exciting service, our teams at the Bakery and Production Kitchen will continue to fill the shops (Kensington Church Street and Westbourne Grove), with our fabulous breads, truffles, savoury tarts, chicken pies, fishcakes, braises and grain salads to sustain you through this period of lockdown.  Later this week we announce our Thanksgiving and Christmas Lists!

As well as our usual extensive online offering, Christmas cakes, Mince pies, Hampers, Stuffing for the turkey and much more, will soon be available to pre-order for the Festive period.

Please note that this year we will be offering the Ecofleet sustainable delivery service as often as possible in order to reduce ‘Covid-queues’ during collection periods.  Thank you, stay safe, stay well and wishing you a delicious lockdown.


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For all Restaurant enquiries please email: or call 020 7221 9225

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For all Shop enquiries please email: or call:

020 7229 2190 (Campden)
020 4511 6161 (Westbourne Grove)

For Wholesale Bakery enquiries please email:

You may also quickly find answers to your questions on our FAQ page.