The first Newsletter of 2018
January 17, 2018
SO Christmas memories are in the distant past – and New Year’s resolutions are
(perhaps by some) already being reviewed …. But we are back – refreshed after a
few days’ break, and ready, on both sides of the road, to welcome the tempting
thoughts and sights of midwinter: Blood oranges and leafy lemons from Sicily, Yorkshire
rhubarb, purple artichokes and pomegranates, curly kale, sprouts and bitter salad leaves –
and all will be weaved into our Restaurant menus and Shop takeaway items. So we look
forward to welcoming you too!
Warming soups and braised chicken, duck and beef disheswill fill the shop display fridges,
all of which are perfect for taking home to warm gently and serve to friends and family.
Roasted root vegetables and potato galettemake the perfect accompaniment – or try serving
one of the fabulously more-ish grain salads alongside. Choose from riso nero and beetroot
or red rice with fennel and dill perhaps. For a quick and easy supper dish, try the Soufflé
Suissesse, salmon and haddock fishcakes or fish pie, (with or without prawns), topped with
creamymashed potato. For something a littlemore extravagant, choose the beefWellington
(best to pre-order) which arrives from our Production Kitchen all ready to bake in your
oven at home. (Some of our customers tell their guests it is ‘home made’ …. but we do not
Over the road in the Restaurant, themenus aremaking good use of thewinter black truffles
which this year are from Spain; stuffed under chicken skin before roasting or shaved over
scrambled organic eggs or saffron risotto they make a very special treat. Our new fish
supplier is based on the north coast of Cornwall and from them we receive daily deliveries
of turbot, wild sea bass, brill and red mullet. From Rhug Estate in north-west Wales come
fallow deer and lamb. From Lancashire we receive twice weekly deliveries of duck, the legs
of which we confit and the breasts are roasted and served pink with pomegranate, apples
and fresh walnuts.
Dare I mention Valentine’s night? We have already received enquiries regarding the
availability of tables so if you feel that your Valentine may have ‘forgotten’, why not avert a
crisis and give us a call! We will be open from 6pm that evening and the menu will offer a
variety of dishes to suit every palate.
May we wish all our customers a very happy, healthy and delicious 2018 – and also ask
that if there is anything anyone would like to suggest that we add to the list of Shop items,
menus of the Restaurant, or any points you would like to raise to improve our service,
please let us know.
In the meanwhile, we are always looking out for like-minded people who would enjoy
working with us, in any section of the business, be it the Restaurant, Shop, Production
Kitchen or Bakery, so do contact us and ask for an application form. We would be
delighted to meet you!