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December, Christmas and the New Year of 2017 at Clarke’s

December 12, 2016

Across the road from the famous Churchill Arms, on Kensington Church Street, near Notting Hill you will find slightly more modest decorations than they have installed this year! But we tend to think of it as quality over quantity!


Our Shop and Restaurant are both festooned with delightful festive-ness, so do come in and browse, make mental notes for your Christmas shopping or just do it!    Our Christmas List is on hand as an aide memoire – all you need to do is ?ll in the gaps and leave it with us ? we will do the rest!


For those of you who wish to give a beautiful Clarke’s hamper as a gift this year, you may choose from either our new very smart hessian bag – black with grey script – or a wicker basket with lid. Both will be ?lled with festive tissue paper and ribbon. You could choose your own array of items in a bespoke way, or ask us to create a selection for you. We are able to arrange delivery and / or postage if you are unable to collect.


We have been getting ready for Christmas almost all year! Mincemeat has been marinating, cakes both large and individual, were made in the summer, then soaked in brandy, and have been wrapped in freshly made marzipan (the REAL THING) and ?nally topped with the soft velvety icing. Find them on our shelves in a special new box and wrapping. Our fragrant ?g salami is sitting wrapped and ribboned, and our fabulous new panettone from Puglia are already gaining firm approval from both shop and restaurant customers.


At our Bakery in north Kensington, the mince pies, ( STILL made with hand chopped fruits) are being made round the clock ? and we are de?nitely going to beat our 2015 record of 26,000.   We were judged Best Mince Pie last year by the Financial Times so look out for more accolades this year!

The new batch of vin d’orange is now bottled, waxed-topped and labelled – what could be a more perfect tipple for sharing around the Christmas tree with friends and family?  Or our lovely finest Reserve Port, Quinta de la Rosa goes beautifully with a hunk of Montgomery Cheddar and a Clarke’s Mince Pie!


In the fridges you will ?nd new temptations to consider for your holiday-time menus – such as Scotch Fillet of Beef Wellington, Braised Lancashire duck with orange and rosemary, Fish Pie (with or without Shell?sh), Risottos and Pâtés, Soups, Grain Salads, Beef meat balls, Roasted Chicken and our most famous Souffle Suissesse – in packs of 2, ready for the oven at home.

Our more-ish savoury tarts are as popular as ever, as are the Roasted Chicken and mushroom pies, so do order one of these, as a perfect supper or quick lunch item over the busy days ahead.


We will also be offering Mrs Goodman’s goose and turkey ? all ready for the oven, with cooking instructions attached.  A delicious variety of vegetable accompaniments will be available too, from pommes dauphinoise to roasted root vegetables to potato galettes.  All the trimmings will be there for you to choose from: Bread sauce, red cabbage, cranberry sauce, pear-cranberry relish, our homemade mustards, chutneys, tempting jams from the fruits of the summer and much more.


For those who cannot do without chocolate, we have lots on offer! Our own amazing truffles are still rolled and dipped by hand and are wrapped this year with beautiful deep claret ribbon – in small, medium and large boxes. The dark and white chocolate slabs are covered in dried fruits and nuts and broken in shards.


Don’t forget to pre-order croissants and pains au chocolat for your breakfasts, and breads, rolls, cheese straws, muf?ns and tea breads made in our bakery ? they have a knack of running out at these busy times!


May we all wish you a very happy run-up to this busy time of year – and if you allow us to help you a little along the way, we may even be able to make it a joy!


Merry Christmas and a very happy, healthy and delicious 2017 to you all!





Shop opening hours:

Monday ? Friday?8am ? 8pm???Saturdays?8am ? 5pm???Sundays??10am ? 4pm


We shall close for Christmas on Friday 23rd December at 7pm


Between Christmas & New Year:

Wednesday 28th to Saturday 31st December inclusive??10am ? 4pm daily


We then re-open after New Year on Thursday 5th January 2017 at 10am


Restaurant opening hours:?Monday – Saturday??Breakfast, Lunch &?Dinner as normal

Sunday lunch on November 20th and 27th, December 4th and 11th – see above. We shall close for

Christmas after lunch on Friday 23rd December and will re-open on Thursday 5th January 2017

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