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A C-19 update from Sally and the team at Clarke’s Restaurant, Shop and Bakery.

April 4, 2020

A changed world.
A change to the rhythm of our way of life.
A change in our interactions with everything we hold dear;
 family, friends, our wonderful suppliers,
and of course, you our loyal and very special customers.

While we have been out of your sights since March –
you have certainly NOT been out of our minds.
Some of us have been beavering away in the background,
creating an offering for you all which will hopefully
help to keep a little flame of Clarke’s alight in your homes,
whilst at the same time, keeping our staff safe.
Please keep checking in to our website for regular updates.
We will have news for you soon.
In the meanwhile, we all send you our best wishes for good health
– and please keep safe.

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Contact Us

For all Restaurant enquiries please email: or call 020 7221 9225

For all Shop online enquiries please email:

For all Shop enquiries please email: or call:

020 7229 2190 (Campden)
020 4511 6161 (Westbourne Grove)

For Wholesale Bakery enquiries please email:

You may also quickly find answers to your questions on our FAQ page.